
Open Toolchain Foun­dation goes global

Published on Nov 03, 2022 by Anna on News, Events

Open Toolchain Foun­dation goes global

While most of our team members are at home, busy developing the foundation, some of our colleagues are in Bali not only enjoying the warm weather, but also participating in the Bali Fab Fest, the world’s biggest digital fabrication event.

The event connects global knowledge networks in green technologies, digital fabrication and innovation. It is of interest to both international participants and local stakeholders who are investing their efforts in inventing and realizing the future world and responding locally to global challenges such as climate change and social exclusion.

Above all, one of the key concerns of the Hamburg team on site is international exchange to advance our current projects such as INTERFACER. We are confident that our colleagues will inspire many people and make important contacts that will help us on our way to the Open Toolchain Foundation.

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