
First Open Engineering Tool Database published

Published on Dec 20, 2022 by Robert on Toolchain

First Open Engineering Tool Database published

We’re happy to share our first release for a list of Open Source tools for engineering and hardware design.

It took us quite an amount of research to come up with the database, but we are very sure the Open Source Ecosystem is way bigger than that. So if you find anything missing, from an engineering tool, to firmware on machines to helpful scripts and addons to improve the toolchain universe please contact us or submit via NocoDB form.

The next step is to identify best-practice toolchains (including temporary solutions that will need fixing) and respective issues within those chains. You can participate via survey or take a look at our repository via GitLab.

The tool research is the first step towards a bigger analysis of existing tools, issues, plugins and the respective communities to support and collaborate with.

We will share further results in 2023 and you can follow us via GitLab. Also check out our first public tool database via NocoDB implementation and send us feedback via contact.

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